GSA Schedule

General Services Administration (GSA) IT Schedule  70

Contract No. (GS-35F-0238N)

GSA Advantage! is the online shopping and ordering system that provides access to thousands of contractors and millions of services and products.   GSA Schedules are open to the following organizations:

Federal Agencies:  All federal agencies in the executive, judicial and legislative branch of the United States government are authorized to use GSA supplies and service.

Other Eligible UsersThe government of the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands are eligible to make use of GSA sources of supply and services.

International Organizations: Entities authorized under the Foreign Assistance Act may use GSA sources of supply and service.

State and Local Governments: State and local government agencies have authorized use of GSA schedules under the Cooperative Purchasing and Disaster Recovery Purchasing Programs.  The Cooperative Purchasing Program allows state and local governments to use Schedule 70, Information Technology, and Schedule 84, Law Enforcement and Emergency Services.  Some states may have alternate contract vehicles in place that they may utilize in addition to or in place of GSA Schedule contracts.

Non-executive Government Agencies: Wholly owned and mixed-ownership government corporations, certain institutions and certain contractors are authorized to use GSA sources of supply and service.


To access the GSA Advantage!   Visit   GSA E-Library

You may view Telesis Systems, Inc.'s GSA Schedule by clicking the link below:

Contract Vehicle

·     GSA IT - 70 Schedule - Contract No. GS-35F-0238N  - Labor Categories and Rates